The race is on with the knock out stage of the heats - Red Bull Air Race World Championships at Ascot Race Course. A combination of high speed, low altitude and extreme manoeuvrability make it only accessible to the 'world's most exceptional pilots'. 12 pilots compete in the Master Class category in eight races across the globe for the title of 2014 Red Bull Air Race World Champion. The objective is to navigate an aerial racetrack featuring air-filled pylons in the fastest possible time, incurring as few penalties as possible. All 12 pilots race with a standardised propulsion package – a high-performance, race-tuned standardised engine (Lycoming Thunderbolt) and standardised propellers (Hartzell 3-bladed). They do have a chooice of 3 single engine/seater aircraft - the Zivko Aeronautic Edge 540, the MXS-R and the Hungarian University of Aviation's Corvus Racer 540 - all cappable of around 230kts and of surviving high G forces, 10+. A new feature of the 2014 Red Bull Air Race World Championship is the debut of the new Challenger Cup, giving a new generation of talented pilots from around the world a chance to race. Entertainement is provided by the Red Arrows and the Breitling Wingwalkers, amongst others. Ascot Racecourse, High St, Ascot, Berkshire, UK.
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